    发布时间:2024-09-06 20:59:19 次浏览
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  • 信息详情

Shaoguan University is a state-run provincial university approved by the Ministry of Education and a bachelor’s degree-granting institution approved by the Academic Degrees Committee of The State Council Located in the city of northern Guangdong, the most prosperous region of southern China, Shaoguan is a modern city with convenient transportation links by bus, train and high speed rail to Guangzhou, Hong Kong and further afar It is well known for its famous natural, historical and cultural heritage landmarks and is recognized as one of the Top Tourism Cities in China

The University covers an area of 1,750,000 square meters, with a total building area of 948,600 square meters, and with an elegant environment, green parkland and rolling hills, flora displays, award-winning architecture and convenient modern living facilities

The University has a teaching staff of 1648 members, 17 schools which offer 73 undergraduate majors in the university, covering 11 main disciplines There are about 26 thousands full-time 4-year undergraduates and 3-year college students

We have successively established friendly cooperative relations with more than 50 universities and cational institutions in the UK, USA, Canada, Australia, Japan, South Korea, Italy, Spain, and the countries and regions as well as Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan, have carried out 36 programs, such as cooperative cation, double degree, exchange students, short term visit, etc Every year, more than 20 long-term and short-term foreign expert teachers are recruited, and more than 100 students go abroad for exchange and study

Ⅰ Contract terms

1 Job vacancies

See "Foreign Teachers' Job Offered by SGU for The 2024-2024 Academic Year"

2 Job Requirements

a ESL teachers must be native English speaker;

b 2 years teaching experience in University (TESOL Preferred);

c Knowledge in relevant majors;

d The physical examination is qualified;

e Excellent munication skills, teamwork;

f No criminal record;

g The age requirement is under 58

3 Language: English

4 Workload: 16 classes per week (45minutes per class)

5 Monthly salary: Above RMB 8000Yuan (Based on qualifications and experience)

6 Air fare: RMB 6500Yuan, Travel allowance: RMB 2000Yuan

Air fare and travel allowance will be paid when the contract ended

Ⅱ Other benefits

1 Free multiple-entry visa and residence permit;

2 Medical care available in the university clinic;

3 Free internet service in the apartment and office;

4 A free prehensive medical insurance;

5 Acmodations on campus with kitchen, TV, refrigerator, washing machine, heated shower, air conditioner, Internet and necessary furniture;

6 Employees can enjoy Chinese medical service in accordance with China’s medical system at the school clinic

Ⅲ Deadline: Aug 11th, 2024

Ⅳ Contact information

If you interest, please prepare the following materials and send to us via below address:

1 CV

2 scans of relevant cation certificates (including degree)

3 reference letters from at least two latest professional referees

4 scan of passport photo page

5 scan of certificate of non-criminal record issued by the host country (effectively within half a year)

Contact: JerryChen

Tel: +86 751 8121661

E-mail: sgurecruitment@163

Homepage: sgu

Mail Address: International Office, Shaoguan University, Guangdong Province, China

Postcode: 512005

Attactment01Foreign Teachers'Job Offered by SGU for The 2024-2024 Academic Yearxls

广东韶关学院是经国家教育部批准成立的一所省属公办全日制普通高等学校,是经国务院学位委员会批准的学士学位授予单位。学校坐落在中国优秀旅游城市、粤北历史文化名城——广东省韶关市,占地面积 2627 亩,校舍建筑总面积 9486 万平方米,校园环境优美,湖光山色,人文气息浓郁,是"全国绿化模范单位"和"全国文明单位"。学校以全日制本科学历教育为主,开设73个本科专业,设有17个二级学院。现有专任教师1648人,全日制本专科在校生263万人。与英国、美国、加拿大、澳大利亚、日本、韩国、意大利、西班牙等多个国家与地区的50余所大学建立了友好合作关系,有力地促进了教学、科研工作的发展和教育国际化水平的提高。为进一步加强师资队伍建设,为学校发展提供坚实的人才保证和智力支撑,根据学校事业发展需要,面向海内外诚聘优秀外籍教师。











2在合同期满后,即离任前,聘方一次性付给受聘方旅游费人民币 2000 元,机票补助费人民币 6500 元;






应聘者请提供以下材料,将电子版发送到 sgurecruitment@163








联 系 人:陈老师

联系电话:+86 751 8121661






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