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南京大学物理学科是我国最早建立的物理学科之一,历经百年发展,学科方向全、综合实力强、国际影响显著,在历次学科评估中均名列前茅。学院拥有一支高水平的教师队伍,总体规模约220 人,其中中国科学院院士8名、长江学者特聘教授18名、杰青26名、四青人才33名。拥有一批高水平科教平台:固体微结构物理国家重点实验室、近代声学教育部重点实验室、江苏省高技术研究重点实验室(纳米技术)、以及十余个跨学科研究所与研究中心;物理教学实验中心是国家物理学基础学科人才培养基地和国家物理实验教学示范中心。


































Tenure-track Faculty Positions in School of Physics, Nanjing University


The School of Physics at Nanjing University is one of the earliest physics disciplines established in China After the development of a hundred years, the School of Physics has ranked among the best Chinese physics departments with plete disciplines, strong prehensive strength and remarkable international reputation Currently, the school has a high-level research team of about 220 faculty members and staffs, including 8 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 18 Cheung Kong Scholars of Ministry of Education (MOE), 26 winners of National Science Foundation of China (NSFC) fund for Distinguished Young Scholars The school hosts the State Key Laboratory of Solid State Microstructures, the Ministry-of-Education Key Laboratory of Modern Acoustics, the Jiangsu Provincial Key Laboratory of Nano Technology, and over ten interdisciplinary research centers The Teaching Center for Experimental Physics is the base of fostering talents majoring in physics and the State Demonstration Center of Physics Experimental Teaching


The School of Physics at Nanjing University plans to recruit 2 tenure-track assistant professors from all over the world Areas of specific interests include:

(1) Preparation and transport properties of 2D materials; Smart materials and their properties; Photoelectric conversion and detection;

(2) High-entropy energy materials: preparation science and the physical mechanism, exploration of the new physical properties, and their energy conversion characteristics


(1) Compliance with law and regulations of the People's Republic of China, devoted to teaching and research

(2) Good professional ethics and noble individual virtues, abide by academic ethics, work diligently, no criminal record, no record of violating teaching ethics and academic ethics

(3) PhD in Physics or related disciplines, with study and working experience in overseas first-class research institutions and/or post-doctoral experience for more than 2 years with an extensive publication record in high quality journals, familiar with international cutting-edge research trends in related fields

(4) Excellent teaching abilities, petent in the courses and the frontier courses of the discipline, good pedagogy and strong presentation ability

(5) Scientific research achievements visibility and future development potential: Great achievements in relevant research directions, original views on relevant research fields, clear ideas for future research plans, and good academic potential The age of an applicant is younger than 35

Application Materials

(1) Curriculum Vitae (including a list of publication);

(2) Five representative achievements

(3) Research plan

(4) Teaching plan

(5) Three remendation letters

Compensation Package and Support

(1) Annual Salary: depending on qualifications

(2) Start-up funding for scientific research

(3) Qualification for graduate enrollment

(4) Turnover apartment, housing subsidies, and purchase qualification for considerable discounted mercial housing provided by the university

(5) Assist in children enrollment in primary and secondary schools

(6) For extraordinarily excellent candidates, the details may be negotiated

Application deadline:

September 30st, 2024

The application period will be extended appropriately if the number of the applicants for single postition is relatively small

Results are estimated to be released by the end of December 2024

Contact information

Tel: +86-25-025-83594682 (Ms Zhou)

Email: shzhou@nju


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